GLB Shoxidizer 1lb

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Specially formulated to prevent dull, hazy water. It’s a one-two punch that keeps water sparkling clear by oxidizing and eliminating organic contaminants. Since this product is buffered, it will not affect water balance—pH and total alkalinity will remain unchanged. The addition of dry clarifier aids the oxidation/filtration process so water contaminants are more readily removed by routine filtration.

– Add Shoxidizer shock oxidizer weekly at a dose of 1 lb. per 10,000 gallons of pool water to keep water clear.

– For pool openings or closings, just add 2 lbs. per 10,000 gallons to eliminate organic contaminants from the water.

– Swimming may resume just 15 minutes after treatment.

– Compatible with chlorine, bromine, ozone and salt chlorine sanitizing systems.