Effectively prevent and control algae growth in your pool with Pro Series Algaecide. This non-foaming formula works with attached spas, waterfalls, and decorative fountains and is compatible with bromine and chlorine-based pool systems. Trust the experts for a clean and clear pool.
For treatment of a freshly cleaned and filled pool, with circulating system operating pour the initial dose of 6-11 fluid ounces of this product per 10,000 gallons of water directly to the pool. Make additions of 2-4 fluid ounces of this product per 10,000 gallons of water every 5-7 days after initial treatment for maintenance. Brush and vacuum (to waste if applicable) pools containing heavy algae growth prior to using this product. For pools having light algae growth, brush pool walls and floor, and with circulation pump operating pour 11-17 fluid ounces of this product per 10,000 gallons of water directly to the pool. Remove settled algae debris by vacuuming (to waste if applicable). To restore filter performance, chemically clean filter following manufacturer's directions using an appropriate filter cleaner. Wait at least 15 minutes after application before entering the pool.