Natural Chemistry

Natural Chemistry Spa Clarify 16oz

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Experience superior water clarity with Natural Chemistry Spa Clarify. Using high-quality chitosan, this powerful formula quickly clears cloudy water and works with high sanitizer levels. Its tried and true technology not only clarifies water, but also improves filter performance for crystal clear spa or hot tub water.


This product is designed for use in properly balanced spa water.\

Standard Dosage Rate: (No premixing required.)​ 1oz per 500 gallons of spa water

Cloudy Water Dosage Rate: (No premixing required.)​ Double or triple the standard dosage.

  1. Make sure filter is clean and equipment is working properly.
  2. Measure appropriate dosage using the cap provided and add to spa water with filter running and jets on high.
  3. Run filter system continuously for at least 1 hour after application.